April Eight Songs & Stories

April Eight delighted our audience at Second Sunday Family Showtime here at CCAC. April’s beautiful voice and whimsical, thoughtful lyrics captured children and adults alike, and her participatory songs had the whole audience singing, clapping, stomping, and roaring along!
— -Ruth Dickey, Founding Executive Director, Clifton Cultural Arts Center
  • April is a true bard with stories that appeal to ages 3 - 53+. The rhythm of each podcast is soothing & settling...

    - Apple Podcast Review

  • The stories are just so INTO the subject & you can't stop listening because you always want to know what's going to happen next! I would recommend this podcast to ALL people in the world. PS, I've been listening since I was three.

    - Thomas, Age 8

  • "She is a world-class storyteller, sure to engage your kids and you."

    – PDX Parent.com

  • "Fantastic! I have fallen in love with this podcast! It is the actualization of my dreams for my children."

    – Apple Podcast review

  • "I've heard other nice children's storytellers, but none of them have such a sweet voice, such a lovely cadence, nor... such beautiful and imaginative content as you!"

    Hazel, mother of 3, Apple Podcast listener

  • "April Eight... encourages the best part of childhood imagination, and reminds us grown-ups to honor what we knew so long ago, but may have forgotten."

    – Carrie Newcomer, Grammy winning singer-songwriter, poet, and writer

  • "She breaks out her beautiful singing voice, and it’s impossible to not be enchanted..."

    – Jonathan Messinger, Web editor for Time Out Chicago Kids and creator of The Alien Adventures of Prince Caspian

  • Everyone in our house loves April Eight!

    -Lindsay, Homeschooling mom, online review

  • The cutest songs and stories with magical creatures and a wonderful host.

    -Rachel, online reviewer

  • The stories themselves have a satisfying arc, with no typecast villiains & heroes but instead characters that are archetypally recognizable yet complex & relatable. 100% recommend!

    Apple Podcast Review

Storytime - Episode 68

Mookie and the Magic Egg, Story 8

He took a deep breath and said, “Hi. I’m Mookie. This is Larkin.” Larkin squeezed Mookie’s hand again.

I’m excited to wrap-up this story series because I feel like I found a satisfying ending for this tale. However, I am also sad about letting it all go for now. I love writing about Mookie and Grandpa. They are both so wise and kind.  Find out more…


As a child growing up in the Midwest, April was surrounded by music. The youngest of five, she listened to everyone from The Beatles, to Julie Andrews, Doc Watson, Bill Monroe, Dolly Parton, and The Supremes. Her family gathered around the piano to sing from The Great American Songbook. Her deep Celtic roots are in there too. Always exploring the lakes and woods near her home, she found a connection to Nature and all who live there. April pours these Americana roots and the love and magic of nature into the songs and stories she shares with her audience.

April Eight writes charming original fairytales for the whole family. Listen together as a lovely green world of wonder full of humble gnomes, sparkling fairies and grouchy trolls, mischievous woodland creatures, and magical butterflies who are more than they appear, take you on adventures where everyday kids, tricky witches, lost crowns, and fearless friends encounter enchanted potions and wondrous journeys. In April Eight Songs & Stories, unexpected heroes take the day in pursuit of life’s simple truth: Love conquers all and will always find a way.