April Eight Songs & Stories

Ep. 70 Bedtime Tale - Little Star’s Story

A perfect bedtime tale about a lonely little star who finds a surprise friend. Little Star learns a lesson - friends can be found if you know how to look.

"Now today I have a bedtime story. This would be a nice one to listen to right before you go to sleep. It’s about a little star. It’s called The Little Star Story..."

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Spring Riverside Choir

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Keep up with everything April Eight is up to - parents and tots programs, performances, online offerings (coming soon!), choirs, new podcast episodes, music launches, all the good stuff, right here. ——>

Everyone in our house loves April Eight!

  • April is a true bard with stories that appeal to ages 3 - 53+. The rhythm of each podcast is soothing & settling...

    - Apple Podcast Review

  • The stories are just so INTO the subject & you can't stop listening because you always want to know what's going to happen next! I would recommend this podcast to ALL people in the world. PS, I've been listening since I was three.

    - Thomas, Age 8

  • "She is a world-class storyteller, sure to engage your kids and you."

    – PDX Parent.com

  • "Fantastic! I have fallen in love with this podcast! It is the actualization of my dreams for my children."

    – Apple Podcast review

  • "I've heard other nice children's storytellers, but none of them have such a sweet voice, such a lovely cadence, nor... such beautiful and imaginative content as you!"

    Hazel, mother of 3, Apple Podcast listener

  • "April Eight... encourages the best part of childhood imagination, and reminds us grown-ups to honor what we knew so long ago, but may have forgotten."

    – Carrie Newcomer, Grammy winning singer-songwriter, poet, and writer

  • "She breaks out her beautiful singing voice, and it’s impossible to not be enchanted..."

    – Jonathan Messinger, Web editor for Time Out Chicago Kids and creator of The Alien Adventures of Prince Caspian

  • Everyone in our house loves April Eight!

    -Lindsay, Homeschooling mom, online review

  • The cutest songs and stories with magical creatures and a wonderful host.

    -Rachel, online reviewer

  • The stories themselves have a satisfying arc, with no typecast villiains & heroes but instead characters that are archetypally recognizable yet complex & relatable. 100% recommend!

    Apple Podcast Review

April Eight’s Songs for a Magical Winter

Cozy up with songs from April Eights album, Songs for a Magical Winter. Find it on Apple Music, Spotify, or anywhere you listen to music.

Ep. 68 Mookie and the Magic Egg, Story 7

I’m glad to wrap-up the Mookie and the Magic Egg story series for all of my listeners who want to know what happens to our baby dragon friend. But I sure am going to miss writing about Mookie and Grandpa. They are both so wise and kind.